近年來原住民運動的開展喚醒社會對原住民議題的重視,但在眾多討論中卻缺乏漢人對原住民觀感的改變,意即漢人對原住民族群態度的轉變。你知道新竹市 的都會原住民有多少人嗎?你知道原住民朋友有多可愛、有趣嗎?因此,本季公參週以原住民議題為主,透過系列講座、戲劇音樂加上跨文化舞蹈來瞭解原住民的海 洋文化、傳統智慧傳承以及原住民歌謠等不同的風貌。誠摰邀請您一起來共襄盛舉!!

2. 近期活動報導
清大在新竹像一座高俊的冷山,又勢似一黨獨大,各界聚焦清大,導致新竹地區性落差問題日益嚴重:社會資源分配、地區關懷和人才流向都有不平衡的趨向。這種 失衡的社會狀態若長期發展,不僅會腐化社會,更會引發不公平的人等對待。所以藉由參與風城社大非洲鼓課,希望能讓清大以及新竹各大學學生參與,以融入社區、燃發學生關懷社區的心,使社區與大學能緊密連結,雙向推動發展....
3. 青草湖社區大學協會訊息
清大百年校慶,印尼青年領袖來台報導:NTHU Overseas Service Learning Program 2011 Review & Prospect Forum

On Sunday (1st May) National Tsing-Hua University hold Overseas Service Learning Program 2011 review & prospect forum which is one of the series activities of CENTENARY CELEBRATION. NTHU invite the local cooperators from 4 international volunteer groups (Nepal, Indonesia, Ghana ,and Tanzania) to celebrate the centenary of NTHU together. The purpose is to give thanks to the cooperators for their kind assistances over the past four years and review the voluntary projects over the past four years with students and foreign partners. The interaction between students and local cooperators was really enthusiastic. The most interesting question is " which one you prefer if we simply donate all the money to the volunteering country or send the students to serve in your county? " Tanzania cooperators said "send the money to our country is useless, it is better if NTHU students can come to Tanzania and bring the people knowledge, experiences, volunteering experiences and this will teach people the capacity to find their own money"

2. 近期活動報導
清大在新竹像一座高俊的冷山,又勢似一黨獨大,各界聚焦清大,導致新竹地區性落差問題日益嚴重:社會資源分配、地區關懷和人才流向都有不平衡的趨向。這種 失衡的社會狀態若長期發展,不僅會腐化社會,更會引發不公平的人等對待。所以藉由參與風城社大非洲鼓課,希望能讓清大以及新竹各大學學生參與,以融入社區、燃發學生關懷社區的心,使社區與大學能緊密連結,雙向推動發展....
【風城社區電視台,就是要按讚!】 2011/05/02李信宜 側寫
一切就是這麼開始的。開始騎,旅程就開始了。 這是我第二次參加風城社大舉辦的單車浪遊⋯⋯

一切就是這麼開始的。開始騎,旅程就開始了。 這是我第二次參加風城社大舉辦的單車浪遊⋯⋯
清大百年校慶,印尼青年領袖來台報導:NTHU Overseas Service Learning Program 2011 Review & Prospect Forum
On Sunday (1st May) National Tsing-Hua University hold Overseas Service Learning Program 2011 review & prospect forum which is one of the series activities of CENTENARY CELEBRATION. NTHU invite the local cooperators from 4 international volunteer groups (Nepal, Indonesia, Ghana ,and Tanzania) to celebrate the centenary of NTHU together. The purpose is to give thanks to the cooperators for their kind assistances over the past four years and review the voluntary projects over the past four years with students and foreign partners. The interaction between students and local cooperators was really enthusiastic. The most interesting question is " which one you prefer if we simply donate all the money to the volunteering country or send the students to serve in your county? " Tanzania cooperators said "send the money to our country is useless, it is better if NTHU students can come to Tanzania and bring the people knowledge, experiences, volunteering experiences and this will teach people the capacity to find their own money"